I ♥ FMC radio

Merci beaucoup!

Cappuccino meeting

A day spent drinking coffee, eating, laughing, talking and - oh right - actually working a bit on 2010 plans with the infamous networker Niko Bellotto. All in the very lovely and (very very very) Christmas-y café/clothing store/surf shop 6/5/4.

Later on we filled chair number three with the one and only Pablo Cepeda.


Today I hung out with the lovely Linda from Mina UK, a clothing brand that sponsors me with (very very very cute) clothes. (See above pic for cuteness evidence.) We were scheming on how to get my music out to people, and early next year when my first single "Tired" is released here in Sweden, we´ll give each Mina UK customer a free download of the song. Nice, huh? Being generous while chasing souls...

(Pic by Niklas Malmqvist)

I ♥ Funkydrumma

While treading the winding paths of cyberspace (read: while doing my daily "Vanja"-google...) I found this! Now, I´m off to a meeting. Luckily the blizzard has calmed down. *putting the skis back in the coset*

Snowy Stockholm

There´s so much snow in this city I´m thinking of taking my skis instead of the metro today.

(Pic by Niklas Malmqvist)

Bonne nuit

Time for bed. I have an exciting meeting tomorrow which calls for rested brains (and no puffy eyes). Night!

(Pic by Miguel Antunes Dias)

Old friends & new

I guess most of you who found your way to The Long Hard Road To Popstardom already know me (and the Long Long Long Looong Hard road I´ve traveled so far). But for those of you who don´t, here´s some info:

  • My name is Vanja
  • I´m from the land of free love and ABBA, yup Sweden
  • I write songs
  • I sing them
  • I´m releasing my debut album early next year

That´s about it. If you want to read my old blog posts to see how I got this far on The Long Hard Road To Popstardom, please visit my MySpace blog.

Oh, and apart from chasing popstardom I also try to spread the word in the world about the deliciousness (is that even an expression? If not, it should be.) that is salty liquorice. But it seems I´m more successful in gaining fans for my music than for my taste in candy. Hm. Don´t know if that says more abut the deliciousness (let´s start using that!) of my music or the un-deliciousness (let´s start using that too!) of salted black candy. Visit my MySpace and judge for yourselves:


(Pic by Steeven Petitteville & Noé)

I just moved in!

So, this is my new blog home... Looks nice. A bit...white maybe. Like a new apartment without anything personal in it. Yet. Don´t worry though, I´ll shape this place up as we go along. Welcome to The Long Hard Road To Popstardom! 

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