B-day and a gay lamb

Today is my birthday (yay!) and this lovely (and sought after for weeks by me...) creature waited for me at my breakfast table. His name is Rossalicious and I think he´s gay. My birthday couldn´t have started better. :-D

This is not a fashion blog

...but I can´t help posting a pic of my new darling; a ring made by a very talented friend of mine: Maggie at Bahgsu Jewels. All the stones in her jewellry carry different energies, and apparently the one in my ring relaxes the heart chakra and brings order to scattered feelings. Since I am both unrelaxed and a bit scattered for the moment, it sounds perfect! I also (without knowing it) managed to pick the one stone mined in Sweden, the other ones come from such distant places as Mexico, Peru and Brazil. Guess I´m a Sweeeeede to the bone...


´Nuff said.

I´m baaaaack!

I´m back from the glorious land of Super Bock and surf! Luckily I didn´t get stuck in the Icelandic ash cloud, but I have friends who were supposed to be soaking up the sun in Palma right now (instead of getting soaked in rain in Stockholm...), poor things. I got back to find this very nice blog post from my favourite German Mr Grassi, It says so many nice things that I´m (almost he he) too shy to translate it. But only almost. So, for those of you who doesn´t speak German, here´s the translation:

The Swedes are lucky
You can really envy the Swedes! The best popmusic comes from up there and if you read my blog regularly, you already know about Vanja. In this article I told you about her. Here in Germany her album is only available as a download, in Sweden you can buy it on CD. Her concert are also concentrated to Sweden and the moment and so the Swedes have two advantages. They can buy the album on cd and they can go to a concert to let it be signed there. I only have the download and there are no concert in sight here in Germany. But Vanja is on a high position on my concert wishlist, I think I'll have to visit Sweden soon.
Vanja had a great experience a few days ago. She was able to mark off a point on her bucket list: To have her own name tag in a record store. She writes about that in her blog. I have set a visit to one of her concerts high on my bucket list and I'm optimistic to do that soon.
And if you like her music, maybe we can fly to Sweden together. And to be honest: Anybody who has just a little bit interest in popmusic has to love the songs of this adorable Swede with the wonderful voice.
By the way In the last week I listen to her song "I still" very often. I first listened to it very intensive on a train journey to Vienna and I can't get it out of my head since this day. It's not on Youtube, but you can buy it as a download. :) But the single "Tired" is on Youtube and here's the video:

Beijos de Portugal!

I´m currently in Portugal getting freckles and drinking Super Bock. Hopefully I´ll come home with a handful of new songs as well as a tan reddish new shade.

In my Easter Egg...

...this year I got a very special Easter present from the States, thank you so much Dale for making this amazing drawing and sending it to me...! I know it´s not very sophisticated to put up art portraying yourself in your home (unless you´re Joey Tribbiani of course, then everything is forgiven), but if there ever was a time to disregard that, it´s now. :-D

...he did a pretty good job, huh?! Happy Easter!

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